An analysis of constraintsas perceived by KVK managers for effective functioning of krishi vigyan kendras


The present investigation deals with different types of constraints faced by Programme Coordinators (KVK managers) for effective functioning of Krishi Vigyan Kendras. The study was conducted in all the eight zones of India selecting a random sample of 210 Programme Coordinators of three years old KVKs of all the eight zones of India. To find out the constraints as perceived by Programme Coordinators for effective functioning of Krishi Vigyan Kendras, constraints were categorized under various components viz. Organisational Constraints, Infrastructural Constraints, Financial Constraints, Administrative Constraints, Political Constraints, Personnel Constraints and Training related constraints. The major constraints perceived by KVK managers for effective functioning of KVKs were scarcity of required number of staff in KVKs, lacking of advanced infrastructural facilities, insufficient funds for training and meals, delay in releasing grants from State Agricultural University, unwanted pressure from the local politicians and lack of residential facilities within the KVK premises for staff