Baseline Scenario of Rainy Season Pearl Millet Economy in Rajasthan. Working Paper Series No. 42


Pearl millet is the staple food and fodder crop in Rajasthan, with about 60 percent of farmers following the Bajra-Buffalo-Cow-Sheep combination (BBCS). The HOPE project endeavors to help small farmers in target areas in Rajasthan increase pearl millet productivity and alleviate food insecurity and poverty by introducing the latest technologies and management practices. A baseline survey was conducted in the primary project intervention area (HOPE), where improved technologies were introduced, and in matching control villages with comparable agroecological and market conditions in non- intervention area (non-HOPE). Income from crops forms about 74% of the total, followed by wage and nonfarm income (11%). Pearl millet yield is about 1.7 t ha-1 under irrigated conditions, and 0.76 t ha-1 under rainfed conditions without irrigation. The total cost of cultivation is about ` 8073 per ha, with human labor forming 50% of the variable cost. Both HOPE clusters and non-HOPE areas showed a high rate of adop