Current Status and Prospects for the Pig Sector in Viet Nam: A Desk Study Current Status and Prospects for the Pig Sector in Viet Nam: A Desk Study


Pork and poultry play a key role in contribution of protein for people in Viet Nam, accounting for approximately 90% of meat consumed by Vietnamese and the pig and poultry sectors are two of the fastest growing sub-sectors in Vietnamese agriculture. Preliminary results from PPLPI studies in Viet Nam, however, have indicated that the terms of pig market participation are far from achieving their potential to help the rural poor, and improving the terms for smallholder participation in food (e.g. livestock) markets appears to offer a good means for meeting this challenge. This paper attempts to assess the current situation and future perspectives of the market for pork by assessing issues affecting its evolution through a desk study of secondary information, which draws on data from Viet Nam's General Statistics Office, reports and other documents and studies carried out by the authors