Discriminating factors of high and low adopters of shrimp farmers in Nagapattinam of Tamilnadu


Shrimp aquaculture has witnessed a spectacular growth in India during the last decade. Technologies for undertaking shrimp culture on a scientific scale have been developed during the recent past. Adoption of these technologies at the farmers’ level depends on a number of factors affecting shrimp culture. A study was conducted among 60 shrimp farmers of Nagapattinam district of Tamil Nadu, India, to find out the factors that discriminate between high and low adoption categories. It was observed that of the 60 shrimp farmers studied, 39 belonged to the high adoption category and 21 belonged to the low adoption category. Further it was observed that the variables having substantial importance in classifying the shrimp farmers into high adoption category and low adoption category were efficiency and feasibility of the technologies used with a relative importance of 85.95 per cent and 14.05 per cent respectively