Gender-sensitive Security and Justice Interventions in Sub-Saharan Africa, MENA and South Asia


This rapid review presents a selection of the available literature on gender, security and justice, focusing on learning from interventions in Sub-Saharan Africa, the Middle East and north Africa (MENA) and South Asia. A range of case studies are featured, grouped into the following areas: Constitutions and laws; Access to justice; Informal, traditional and community justice and security; Security sector reform and support; and Peacebuilding and conflict resolution. The report discusses some common themes emerging from the evidence around best practices in creating gender sensitive interventions. The evidence included in the report is not exhaustive; it represents a selection identified in the time allocated. While the report includes some peer reviewed literature, the majority of studies included are grey literature, including case studies produced by non-governmental organisations (NGOs), best practice guidance or theories of change produced by donors and UN organisations, and evidence summaries produced by think tanks. Few formal evaluations of interventions were identified. Many of the case study examples included in these studies span the last twenty years, but in this report the more recent examples were prioritised for inclusion where possible. This report was prepared for the UK Government’s Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO) and its partners in support of pro-poor programmes