Going beyond research


This report is the summary of a two-day meeting of researchers and policy makers that focussed on the process of getting research on reproductive health issues into practice, with participants from 3 DFID programmes: Safe Passages to Adulthood; Opportunities and Choices; and Sexual and Reproductive Health: Policy and Practice. The dynamics of knowledge transfer were examined, and the key actors that are involved and their roles in the dissemination and utilisation of research results were identified. This paper has the following structure: EXECUTIVE SUMMARY BACKGROUND DECISION-MAKERS -Who are the decision-makers? -Engendering an evidence-based culture among decision-makers -What is evidence? -Barriers to developing an evidence-based culture among decision-makers -Decision-makers and their relationship with advocates or mediators -Do decision-makers need to develop a research capacity? RESEARCHERS -Working within an evidence-based culture -Relationships with researchers, decision-makers and donors -Communicating research as evidence for decision-makers -Maximising utility but maintaining autonomy DONORS -Rationale for supporting research -Technical support to research organisations -Emphasis on communication and maximising utilisation -Appropriate evaluation of research activities -Balancing relationships SUMMARY APPENDIX 1: Day One Programme Presentations and discussions at this meeting highlighted the many issues surrounding the implementation and evaluation of research programmes in reproductive health, and it was hoped that this paper would provide a basis for further considerations by the donor and research organisations involved so that the research undertaken would be relevant, influential and of the highest quality possible. See also the document record for the meeting website Moving Beyond Research to Influence Policy Workshop, University of Southampton, 23-24 January 2001. which provides the links to the presentations made at the meeting