Measuring Impact of Stabilization Initiatives Survey Data (MISTI), Village data: Section 1


TThe MISTI village-level dataset (MISTI_Village_Data) is a supplement to the response-level dataset. Each row of this dataset contains data from one unique village surveyed by MISTI in Waves 1-5. The dataset is in wide format. Each variable is identified by a wave number and a proximity to the village. Data include village demographic characteristics, violent incident counts, stabilization and NSP project activities, and perception indicators from individual survey interviews aggregated to the village mean. These data were analyzed for the MISTI impact evaluation of USAID stabilization programming in Afghanistan, 2012-2014. USAID/Afghanistan's MISTI ranks as the largest and most comprehensive trends analysis and impact evaluation of stabilization interventions that the U.S. Government has ever undertaken. In the process of migrating data to the current DDL platform, datasets with a large number of variables required splitting into multiple spreadsheets. They should be reassembled by the user to understand the data fully