Opportunities and constraints for coastal livelihoods in the Caribbean. Scientific report. Part 2 - Appendices


This report (Part I - Text; Part II - Appendices) provides an account of the Natural Resources Systems Programme - Land Water Interface (NRSP-LWI) project 'Opportunities and Constraints for Coastal Livelihoods in the Caribbean', which was carried out by staff of the Natural Resources Institute (NRI, UK), Caribbean Coastal Area Management Foundation (CCAM, Jamaica) and Environment Tobago (ET, Tobago) between July 2000 and June 2001. The document describes the conceptual framework of the study and the broad methodology adopted. A set of six strata was developed representing different levels of the natural, human and social processes in the coastal zone. These strata (from the base upwards) were: the natural resource base, the extracted resource, extraction methods, the human resource, informal social interactions and formal social interactions. Twelve questions relevant to these strata were then posed to determine how much published information was available on each stratum. The development of the database to collate and analyse publications, indicators and project information of relevance to the Caribbean coastal zone is then described. The availability of publications on issues raised by Caribbean colleagues as being of importance in the region was assessed according to the strata defined in the project concept. A wide range of key words and concepts was developed, and key references from the database considered for their coverage of these areas