Replication Data for: Are We Done Yet? Response Fatigue and Rural Livelihoods
This is a dataset containing variables and codes necessary for reproducing results presented in the article, "Are We Done Yet? Response Fatigue and Rural Livelihoods" (Ambler, Herskowitz, Maredia, 2021). The data used in this article were from a household survey conducted in Northern Ghana between April and June of 2019. The sample covered 12 districts in four regions. Respondents were members of farmer business organizations organized by the Ghana Agricultural Sector Investment Program (GASIP) for the purpose of involvement in their agricultural programs. Sixty-six of these organizations, one per village, were included in this survey, serving as the baseline for a field experiment studying the adoption of conservation agriculture techniques. The survey included a detailed labor module in addition to others on agricultural activities, production practices, and knowledge. Given the purpose of the original study, the survey targeted program participants as each household’s primary respondent. In total, 1,106 households were interviewed as part of the study.
The survey’s labor module was modeled after the Ghana Living Standards Survey and the Uganda National Panel Survey. It followed a structure common to LSMS and other multi-topic surveys implemented by national statistics offices in developing countries. The module is included as Appendix A in the article.