Standardized Expanded Nutrition Survey, September - October 2021: Kigoma Refugee Camps: Nyarugusu Congolese (Tanzania)


The UNHCR Standardized Expanded Nutrition Surveys (SENS) were conducted in three refugee camps located in Kigoma region, the western part of Tanzania. There were a total of 207,394 refugees residing in the three camps, where among them 62% are Burundians, 37.9% are Congolese and a small proportion of refugees from other nationalities (Yemen, Rwanda, Uganda, Sudan, Kenya and others). A total of 45,704 under five children are located in the three camps with 26,756 in Nyarugusu camp. The main objective of the SENS was to assess the general health and nutrition status of refugees and formulate workable recommendations for appropriate nutritional and public health interventions. The survey was conducted using a two-stage cluster sampling. This study is an anonymized version of the collected data.