Scientific Publication Effects of region-wide soil and water conservation in semi-arid areas: the case of northern Ethiopia
Scientific Publication Attribution of country level foodborne disease to food group and food types in three African countries: Conclusions from a structured expert judgment study
Scientific Publication A simple, affordable, and rapid visual CRISPR-based field test for sex determination of earlier porcine embryos and pork products
Scientific Publication Assessment of fungal contamination in fish feed from the Lake Victoria Basin, Uganda
Scientific Publication Prediction of first lactation milk yield using multiple regression analysis and principal components analysis in Ethiopian Boran and their crosses with Holstein Friesian in Central Ethiopia
Poster / Presentation Multi-cut fodder sorghum as cash crop to transform the smallholder dairy production and generate employment to youth and women
Scientific Publication Analyzing the determinants of farmers' choice of adaptation methods and perceptions of climate change in the Nile Basin of Ethiopia
Scientific Publication Sustaining capacity for supplying evidence for agricultural & rural development policies