Poster / Presentation Transgenic RHBV resistance and breeding selection of advances lines in the field
Poster / Presentation Lushoto and Hoima: Soil health baseline assessment: Understanding landscape-scale variability of soil health indicators: assessing the effects of cultivation on soil organic carbon
Poster / Presentation Preferencia de uso de la yuca en base a las correlaciones entre composición de la raíz, propiedades fisicoquímicas y funcionales del almidón de yuca
Report Reducción del uso y desarrollo de resistencia de plaguicidas en el cultivo de arroz y frijol en Colombia, Venezuela y Ecuador : Informe final proyecto FONTAGRO FTG-438/2005
Scientific Publication Diversidad genética de la colección colombiana de aguacate (Persea americana Mill.)
Scientific Publication Diminishing Status of Land Rights of Communities in Dry Lowland Areas and Their Implications: The Case of Ethiopia
Scientific Publication In search of optimal stocking regimes in semi-arid grazing lands: one size does not fit all