Scientific Publication Wetlands and agriculture: a case for integrated water resource management in Sri Lanka
Scientific Publication Analysing the outcomes of forest policies in northern Vietnam: the role of policy design. Draft paper
Scientific Publication La modernizacion del riego en Pakistan: el caso del sistema de riego de la margen derecha del canal chashma (CRBC). In Spanish
Report Impactos del actual programa de transferencia del manejo de la irrigacion en Colombia. In SpanishImpacts of Colombia's current irrigation management transfer program
Report Land and water productivity of wheat in the western Indo-Gangetic Plains of India and Pakistan: a comparative analysis
Scientific Publication Impact of climate smart agriculture on households’ resilience and vulnerability: an example from Central Rift Valley, Ethiopia
Scientific Publication Relevance and limitations of biogenic and physicogenic classification: a comparison of approaches for differentiating the origin of soil aggregates
Scientific Publication Prediction of carotenoids, cyanide and dry matter contents in fresh cassava root using NIRS and Hunter color techniques